Our company, which aims to achieve great success in every field it exists, will continue to create value for our country and the world, create new employments and touch lives.

For A Brilliant Future

Oltan Koleoglu Energy, which joined the business world as a small business in the hazelnut sector in 1984, has made it a mission to invest in environmentalist and renewable energy sources in order to prevent the destruction of soil and nature again stepped into the energy sector in 2014.

While our company continues its activities in the field of local and renewable energy resources with great devotion with its environmentalist technology investments and its business model that considers social benefit in every process, it is proud of leaving its competitors behind in the field of domestic and national production with its successes.

Our company, which has accomplished successful works with its young and expert staff, continues to implement new investments with its renewed vision.

Our company completed and commissioned 5 MW Biomass Energy Plant Projects in Çorum Mecitözü District in 2018, 27 MW in Afyonkarahisar Çay District in 2020, and 27 MW Biomass Energy Plant Projects in Samsun Çarşamba District in January 2021, continues to serve in the field of energy, which is the largest item of our imports, with the aim of generating added value for our country’s economy by converting the unused agricultural and forest products wastes of our country into electrical energy.

Being aware of its environmental and social responsibilities, Oltan Koleoglu Energy carries out all its activities in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with sustainability as its main agenda item, while on its way to becoming a leading company in the field of Biomass Energy Production.

Our company, which has adopted the principle of working with our employees, suppliers and stakeholders within the framework of trust and respect, will go further day by day in line with the ethical values it adheres to.

Our company, which aims to achieve great success in every field it exists, will continue to create value for our country and the world, create new employments and touch lives.

I would like to greet all Oltan Koleoglu Energy employees, business partners and all our stakeholders with love, and thank all of them once again for walking with us on the path of transforming natural resources, which are the greatest treasures of the world, into energy in expert hands by using new technology systems, and supporting us to make meaningful touches to lives. Ertuğrul DOĞAN